Magnaporthe Genome: The genomes of four fungal blast pathogen Magnaporthe strains sequenced, revealed genome sizes ranging from 40.0 to 50.0 Mb.: those infecting rice (Magnaporthe oryzae RMg_Dl), pearl millet (Magnaporthe grisea PMg_Dl), Indian Goosegrass (Magnaporthe grisea GgMg-Dl), and Napier grass (Magnaporthe grisea GnMg-Dl).
Tilletia Genome:The genomes of Bipolaris strains infecting wheat (Bipolaris sorokiniana, causing spot blotch), rice (Bipolaris oryzae, causing brown spot), and maize (Bipolaris maydis, causing maydis leaf blight) sequenced: sizes ranged from 34.0 to 35.0 Mb.
Bipolaris Genome:The genomes of Bipolaris strains infecting wheat (Bipolaris sorokiniana, causing spot blotch), rice (Bipolaris oryzae, causing brown spot), and maize (Bipolaris maydis, causing maydis leaf blight) sequenced: sizes ranged from 34.0 to 35.0 Mb.
RalstoniaGenome:The genome of Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum CaRs_Mep, responsible for bacterial wilt in crops, sequenced: this high-GC content genome (67.09%) is 5.6 Mb in length
Genome-assisted pathogenomics tools:Genome-assisted genotyping tools, such as Multilocus Sequence Typing (MLST), and sensitive detection methods, like Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP), were developed for bunt and blast pathogens. Additionally, three novel miRNAs that play a pivotal role in blast resistance were identified in rice.
Genomics assisted Diagnostic Tools: Loop Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP) based Magna-Tracker and Bunt-Trackers were developed for diagnosing blast and bunt disease in rice and wheat respectively.