This is also one of the popular Mbuna of Lake Malawi. It grows to a length of 5 inches. This species differ in colouring as well as in body shape due to inter breeding depression, some have stronger, more visible vertical bars over the body, while others lack them altogether. It can live in quiet a variable range of temperature from 24-28 0C and pH 7.8 to 8.4. Herbivorous and should be fed a diet rich in vegetable matter. Spirulina-based flake foods produce steady growth and healthy, colorful fish. There is almost no color difference between male and female. Mature males, however, display a bright blue, almost white color while females remain a rather drab blue. Some females lack egg spots on the anal fin, but this is not the most accurate means of differentiating males from females. Males are aggressive to each other and hence should be kept in 1:5 male to female ratio. There are several variations of this blue-bodied and rock-dwelling cichlid. Females are mouth brooder. |