Common name


Zebra Mbuna, Convict chichlid


Scientific name


Pseudotropheus zebra



Distribution   Lake Malawi in Mozambique (Africa)


The body is covered in a large number of narrow diagonal dark stripes. The snout is not so pointed as in other species. The fins are patterned. A slow-growing species and grows to a maximum length of 8.5 cm. Fairly shy, often given up for dead due to its non-appearance but a hardy fish. Ideal temperature limit is 24-26  °C. These loaches do well in small or medium sized aquaria. Despite their burrowing behaviour, the fish need thick vegetation and they usually leave the roots of plants in peace. They can be easily kept in community aquarium. Omnivore and feeds on worms and insect larvae but also  take dried foods. Sexual difference-Unknown.  No information on captive breeding.









