Common name


Asiatic Barb, Chinese Barb 


Scientific name


Myxocyprinus asiaticus asiaticus




Distribution   China


Tinfoil Barb lives in large freshwater rivers as well as in streams, ditches and man-made canals.  This species is used both as ornamental and food fish in the country of their origin. It grows to a length of 14 inches. The ideal temperature for the species is 22-25 °C, pH 6.5-7.0 and hardness 10 dGH. Tinfoil barbs are shoaling and peaceful creatures and can be housed with same or with other docile fish species. It can live for about 8-10 years of life. Herbivore and eat aquatic plants, filamentous algae, submerged land plants, insects, worms, crustaceans and small fishes and also readily accept commercial diets. The Tinfoil barb is an egg scatter. Sexing Tinfoil barbs is a bit tricky, since there are no obvious difference between males and females. Captive breeding has been successfully done. For breeding, the selected pair should be kept in a separate aquarium and removed immediately after breeding.









