Common name


Tiger barb 


Scientific name


Barbus tetrazona 



Distribution   Indonesia


They are small-sized very popular freshwater ornamental fishes that grow to a maximum 15 cm in  size. They live in shoals and are highly comfortable in a community aquarium.  However, these fishes have the tendency of nibbling and should not be kept with  fishes having long and delicate fins.  They are quiet tolerant to wide water quality variations but ideal temperature  for keeping them well is 23-26 °C, pH 6-7 and hardness moderate. Omnivore and readily takes all kinds of both live and dry fish food such as plankton, chironomus larvae, tubifids and commercial ornamental fish diets. Sexual difference is prominent as females are larger, somewhat plumper and less brightly coloured in comparison to males. Egg layer and larvae can be raised on plankton or fine powdered fish food. There are many known variants. The golden-yellow with black bands is the best known original form but the green and the albino tiger barbs are also very popular.









