Common name


Three spotted Gourami, Blue gourami, Cosby gourami


Scientific name


Trichogaster trichopterus)



Distribution   Myanmar, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam


This fish lives in marshes, swamps, canals, and lowland wetlands.It is food as well as ornamental fish and known as three-spotted gourami due to presence of two black spots on the flanks and the dark eye. Grows to a length of 10 cm. Hardy and generally peaceful, however males are territorial and hence only one male in a small aquarium should be kept. The suitable water quality are temperature 22-28 °C, pH 6.0-8.8 and hardness 5-35 dGH. Omnivore and requires both algae-based as well as meaty foods like freeze-dried bloodworms, tubifid worms, and brine shrimp. Males have longer and pointed dorsal and anal fins and form bubble nest at the water surface where female may lay up to 700 to 800 eggs. The female should be removed to a separate aquarium after breeding as the male may become aggressive toward her. Male protects the eggs and fry, but should be removed after they become free-swimming. Life span is around 4 years.









