The ancestors of telescopic-eye gold fishes are from common goldfish. They have a pair of eyes that gaze upwards like a telescope. and are small in comparison to other goldfish varieties. Grows to a length of 4-8 inches. They have a torpedo-shaped body with a curved back. These fishes are available in different colors including white, red, black sparkles and many colors in between. They are extremely peaceful, both towards their own kind and other goldfish varieties. Water temperature of 21-25 0C, pH nearing to neutral and soft to moderate hard water are ideal. It is Omnivore and as a basic staple, give it dry food specially intended for goldfish. It likes small insects, live food and also vegetable food. Sexual difference can be made only when sexually mature. Breeds easily in large garden ponds and spacious aquarium with plenty of oxygen and feathery-leafed vegetation. It can live up to 8-10 years.