India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Srilanka. Thailand, China, etc.
It is a medium size esteemed food fish and fetches high price in the market. They are found in rivers, reservoirs and ponds. Body snake like with alternate grey or black transverse band descends from the sides to the abdomen. Dorsal and anal fins very long. It grows to a length of 8-10. The fish is aggressive and should not be kept with delicate ornamental fishes. However fishes of same group having more or less same size may be kept in an aquarium. Predatory and feeds on insects, frogs and fish and also accepts pellet diets specially made for carnivorous fishes. Sexes are not distinct excepting during breeding season when females have some what more bulging belly. Attains maturity in the first year and breeds round the year in pond conditions with peak at premonsoon. Successful captive breeding has been achieved.