Silver dollar is a lively shoaling ornamental fish and occupies the middle zone in an aquarium. They grow to a length of around 17 cm. The ideal water quality conditions are temperature 22-26 °C and pH 6.5-7.0. These fishes are mainly plant eaters, so it makes little sense to put vegetation in the aquarium. Feed them with soft plants, small live food and dry fish food. They are non-aggressive and should always be kept in a substantial shoal may be with one or two pairs of cichlids. Adult males have more intense red colour in anal fin than in the female's. Breeding and rearing of fry is quite easy however parents need to be separated from eggs as they eat them. Select a pair from the shoal which always swim together for breeding. The eggs will be laid amongst the plants over the broad leaves. The young can be reared on very fine live food, powdered food, or a combination of the two. Life span 5-10 years.