This fish has been transplanted in many parts of the world including India and is one of the largest cultivable food fish in freshwater ponds. It is a fast growing fish and grows up to a length of around 3 feet and may weight up to 25 kg. Body is almost silvery in colour excepting a light grey back. Body scales minute. The fish can tolerate wide temperature, pH and hardness ranges. However, ideal temperature is 24-26 °C, pH 7.0-8.0 and moderate hardness for its growth. The fish is basically a phytophytoplankton eater but accept artificial feeds well made up of oil cakes, rice brans, cereal flour, etc. It matures in the second year of life and both males and females are identifiable in maturity condition. It breeds in running water system during monsoon. Captive breeding is undertaken by induced breeding. Females lay around 80,000 semi-buoyant eggs per kg body weight. Eggs hatch within 24 hours and young fry feeds on plankton.