This is a common saltwater reef fish that lives among the corals. It is a very shy fish and generally remain in hiding between the rocks. The body colour of the fish is brown with a muted yellow sunburst behind its eyes up to its dorsal fin. It grows to a maximum length of 20 cm. Pretty hardy fish to maintain in the aquarium. The fish needs specific water quality with temperature ranging 26-27 °C, pH 8.1-8.3 and salinity nearing to 35 ppt (specific gravity 1.021-1.024). Omnivore but prefer to eat more of vegetable matter. Feed them dried and frozen marine algae along with sushi seaweed. A high quality full spectrum lighting system should be used to help micro-algae and macro-algae to grow . The fish can be fed commercial flake diets specially made for omnivore fishes. Breeding unknown.