The redtail catfish is a freshwater fish and stay in deep water zones in the Amazon, Orinoco, and Essequibo river basins of South America. The name redtail is given to the fish because of prominent red colour of the tail. It is blackish in colour with a wide white longitudinal band on lateral side passing from tip of mouth to the caudal peduncle. It grows to a length of about 40 inches and can live for over 15 years. The fish pose problems in aquarium due to swallowing of inedible objects in the aquarium.It can withstand wide range of water quality like temperature 20-26 °C, pH 5.8-6.8 and hardness up to 10 dGH. Carnivore and feeds on both dead and live fishes and meat and hence this fish should not be kept with other fishes particularly smaller in size. Weekly feeding is appropriate for this catfish; overfeeding is a common cause of death in aquarium. Breeding in aquarium has not been accomplished. |