Common name


Redcap goldfish

Scientific name


Carassius auratus




Distribution   China


Redcap oranda is a beautiful gold fish with a large round body, shimmering scales, and a long flowing split caudal fin. These fish are favored for their hood, a fleshy growth on the top of the head called the wen. It is totally white except for a cherry red hood on its head, looking just like a cap. All of its fins are paired except the dorsal fin, and the tail fin is usually split. They are considered quiet delicate. Grows to a legnth of 5-18 cm. Omnivore and eats all kinds of fresh, frozen, and flake foods. However for better colour feed them brine shrimp (either live or frozen), blood worms, Daphnia and  tubifid worms. They can tolerate quiet a wide range of water quality but better to keep them in the temperature range of 18-22 °C, pH 6.0-8.0 and hardness  5 - 19° dGH. The male develops white prickles, called breeding tubercles, on its gill covers and head when mature whereas females look fatter in appearance. Egg scatter and breeds under right condition of water quality.















