They are commonly called platies and closely resembles to sword tail, with which it may hybridize, but has a stockier, shorter body and no sword. It may grows to a length of 4.5-5.0 cm. Platys are easy fish to keep and feel very much at home even in very small aquaria. They are very peaceful, active fish and extremely suitable for community aquarium. The species is not particular of strict water quality and can live in wide range of temperature, pH and alkalinity conditions. It is omnivore and like dry food and can live on it for quiet a number of period. Females are generally slightly longer than the males. They are prolific breeder and give birth to 10-50 young ones in a clutch directly. Number of variants are available, for example, in yellow, red (coral platy), black, blue and spotted. Several colour varieties have been standardized in aquarium circles through controlled and selective breeding programmes. |