This is a hybrid cichlid which was first created in Taiwan in around 1986. Its parentage is unknown, but the most commonly speculated pairings are midas cichlid (Amphilour citrinellus) with the redhead cichlid (Cichlasoma synspilum) or the severum (Heros severus) with the red devil cichlid (Amphilophus labiatus). The fish is poor competitor for food due to narrow mouth and hence should be kept in a separate tank. The fish is peaceful to their own group of fishes and hence several fishes can be kept in an aquarium. Blood parrots are often bright orange in coloration, but there are other colors that they can have naturally developed, such as red or yellow. Male blood parrots generally are infertile, but successful breeding has occurred when extraneous hormones are given. Normally, a female blood parrot lays eggs on a hard surface, and both parents guard the eggs. The fish are voracious eaters and generate significant uneaten food items. |