It is found in Africa, Asia and Australia along the coast in sea and the brackish waters. The body of this disc-shaped fish is laterally compressed, like the freshwater angelfishes. Scales very small and looks silvery. A dark bar passes through the large eye. Another slightly thinner bar rounds down from the front of the dorsal fin. Lateral line is highly arched. It may grows to a length of 27 cm. This species is peaceful, lively and sometimes rather shy, but when they are kept in a large shoal, they can overcome their shyness. It should be kept along with its own kind of fishes. Monodactyl does not eat any hard-leafed plants, so the edges of the aquarium can be densely planted with ornamental plants. Ideal temperature is 24-27 °C and pH 7.2-.4. Omnivore and enjoys both live and flaked food and can also be managed on vegetable food as well. Sexual differentiation not known. Breeding unknown. |