India, Pakistan, Myanmar, Srilanka, Malaysia, Thailand, China, etc.
It is an esteemed freshwater food and sport fish and also popular medicinal fish used for the treatment of recuperating patients. The fish has got accessory respiratory organs for gasping atmospheric air and hence can live in low levels of oxygen in water. It grows to a length of about 1.5 feet. The fish has large dorsal and anal fins and four pairs of barbels. The pectoral spine is stout, pointed and venomous and cause painful inflammations in human skin. It is easy and peaceful fish for keeping in aquarium. The fish does not require strict water quality in aquarium. Omnivorous and feeds on plankton (when young), insects and their larvae, shrimps, meaty parts and readily accept artificial feeds. Males have long and pointed anal papilla at maturity. The fish observe parental care and lay sticky eggs in the nests constructed at the bottom and side bundhs of the water body. It is cultured in ponds and tanks and bred in captivity by induced breeding at some places.