This is a freshwater food fish of northern and eastern India and is commonly found in rivers, canals and large tanks. Though its flesh has comparatively higher number of bony spines even then the fish is considered of esteemed taste in eastern parts of the country and is cultured along with carps. It has been reported to grow to 150 cm in length but generally their length range around 30-45 cm. Body colour is silvery with small scales than other carp species. It is non aggressive fish and can be kept along with other carp fishes in a community aquarium. The ideal water quality parameter are temperature 24-28 °C, pH 7.6-8.4 and moderate hardness. It is herbivorous and can be fed formulated diets specially made for herbivorous fishes. Usually do not breed in confined water and hence spawning is carried out through induced breeding. It is a threathened fish and needs effective conservation measures for revival of its population.