Common name


Guppy, Millions Fish

Scientific name


Poecilia reticulata




Distribution   Central and South America (Brazil and Barbados)


The original sources of this well-known fish are Central and South America. Males are smaller and grows to 28-32 mm and females 65 mm. The ideal water quality for this fish is temperature 17-27 °C, pH close to neutral and low to moderate hardness. It is omnivore and do very well on dry food to which extra vegetable material has been added and also takes brine shrimp larvae, water fleas, etc. The fish is highly suitable for a community aquarium. The males are distinguishable by their anal fin which has been transformed into a reproductive organ called a 'gonopodium' found in ovoviparous fish. Males are slimmer, more beautiful and almost different in colour from each other. Prolific breeder and deliver young ones in clusters of 10-70 fry each at intervals. Genetic experimentation by hobbyist has resulted in many colours and finnage shapes like flag tailed, rounded tailed, spear tailed, triangular tailed, undersword, oversword, double sword..









