This is an exotic food fish from China which is now cultured on large scale all over the world including India. It grows to a large size of 150 cm and weight up to 45 kg. The fish was brought to India during 1959 from Hong Kong and is now cultured at many places. It is dark green from back, golden to silvery on lateral and ventral side. A herbivore fish that subsists mainly on grassy vegetation after attaining advance fingerling size and is also considered one of the finest fish for biological control of weeds in ponds and tanks. The fish also readily accepts artificial feeds made up of oil cakes, rice brans, cereal flours, etc. Matures in second year of life and breeds in running water systems during monsoon. It is a prolific breeder and lay semi-buoyant eggs in large number which may be 1.5 lakh per kg weight of fish. Captive breeding is carried out through induced breeding. Hatching occurs in 24 hours and baby fry eats on plankton. Life span 21 years. |