This is one of the most interesting tropical fish to watch due to their strange features that gives impression of a ghost. It grows to a maximum length of 25 inches. The fish is all black except for two white rings on its tail, and a white blaze on its nose. It moves mainly by undulating long fin on its underside that looks graceful like a rippling black curtain. They are nocturnal and weakly electric fish. It lives in fast moving, sandy bottom creeks. South American natives believe that the ghosts of the departed sole take up residence in these fish, hence the name. The fish can live in temperatre and pH range of 22-28 0C and 6-8 respectively. They are very peaceful to other tropical fish in the aquarium, and make great centerpieces for community tanks but will eat small fishes that will fit in its mouth. They can be fed on beef heart, frozen bloodworms, shrimp pellets, brine shrimp, tubifex worms. There is no report of successful captive breeding. |