Common name


Gangetic Mystus

Scientific name


Mystus cavasius




Distribution   India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Malaysia, Thailand and China


It is a medium-size freshwater catfish and esteemed food fish in many parts of of the country. It is widely distributed in the plains of India particularly in the Ganga and Brahmaputra River Systems. Grows to one and a half feet in length. Head is comparatively smaller than other catfishes and adipose fin very long originating from posterior of dorsal fin to caudal peduncle. Four pairs of barbels. It is used by many aquarists in their tanks  due to its swift movements. Though carnivore but does not cause harm to larger and similar size fishes in the aquarium. It can tolerate quiet a wide changes in water quality. A temperature of 26-28 °C, pH 7.5-8.5 and moderate hardness is ideal. Feeds on insects, their larvae, prawns, mollusc and small fishes. In aquarium, it takes animal based formulated feeds. Sexes are distinct in the breeding season. Attains maturity in the first year and breeds in rivers. Captive breeding through induced maturation has been achieved..









