Common name


Tiger Shark, Iridescent shark,Sutchi catfish, Siamese shark  

Scientific name


Thorichthys meeki




Distribution   Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, Guatemala in Central America


Fire Mouth Cichlids are freshwater fishes that live in shallow, slow-moving, often turbid, water and reported even from underground cave systems. They grow to a size of  around 6 inches. The common name ‘firemouth’ is derived from the bright orange-red colouration on the underside of the jaw. Firemouth cichlids live in warm water with a temperature range of 23-30 °C and pH 6.5-8.0. Like most cichlids, it lay eggs and then observed parental care by rearing the young ones in the mouth. It is  omnivore and opportunistic in their feeding strategies and feed easily on commercial diets. Males are generally larger (up to 15 cm) than females, have brighter and more red colouration around the throat and pointed dorsal and anal fins. Firemouth cichlids form monogamous pairs and spawn on flattened surfaces of rocks, leaves or submerged wood. while females are more intensively involved in raising the fry, though both parents lead the fry in search of food.









