The fantail goldfish is a western form of the Japanese version of the fantail, known as the Ryukin, which has a high dorsal fin, a shoulder without the hump, an egg-shaped body, and a quadruple caudal fin. The fantail goldfish finnage is less developed than that of the Ryukin. The dorsal fin on the fantail is enlarged and comprises approximately thirty three percent of the fish's body length. This goldfish variety is available in many colors ranging from orange to red and many colors in between. The fantail goldfish is sensitive to prolonged exposure to low water temperatures, but overall it is considered a hardy fish that is very suitable for aquarium and pond environments. Grows to a length of 15 cm or more. It is a peaceful fish and can easily live in a community aquarium. Prefer water temperature in the range of 18-25 °C. Omnivore and feed on variety of vegetable and meat items and readily accepts artificial diets. It can live up to 10 years. |