Common name


Angel fish

Scientific name


Pterophyllum scalare




Distribution   Amazon River in South America


Freshwater angels are inhabitant of Amazon River and found mainly in quiet areas with slow-flowing waters amongst plants. They grow to a length of around 25 cm and like to stay in water with plants. They may be kept as a pair or shoal of young fishes and do well in community tank free from nibbling fishes like tiger barbs. The optimum water quality requirements are temperature- 24-26 0C, pH-6.0-6.5 and hardness 6-9 dGH. It is an omnivorous fish and accepts well dried commercial feeds and also enjoys live food such as brine shrimps and water fleas from time to time. Sexes can be determined during breeding season when female exhibits larger sexual papilla. Angels have been observed to breed in aquarium over leafy substratum and stone slabs placed diagonally. Parental care is prominent. Several variants  golden, black, black or white, spotted and marbled are commonly available.















