Common name



Scientific name


Symphysodon aequifasciatus




Distribution   Rio Negro and Orinoco Rivers in Amazon River (South America)


This is one of the most beautiful freshwater ornamental fish. It grows to a length of around 20 cms. They are quite delicate fish and make extremely high demand on the water composition and hence should be kept in a separate aquarium. They like soft (sandy) bottom and plenty of space for swimming. Plants along the edges may be put. It is a shoaling fish and hence several number of fishes can be kept in aquarium. They require a temperature of  27-29 °C, pH 6.0-6.5 and hardness 4 dGH. It is very choosy eater, some species accept only varied live food such as artemia, tubifex and mosquito larvae whereas, others will take dry food as well. Sexual differentiation is very difficult excepting during mating season, when the sexual papilla of the male fish is more pointed. Egg scatters and observes parental care for a long time. During the first week, the fry eat skin secretion of the parents. Variants are green, brown and blue discus.









