Common name


Denison Barb, Kerala Queen, Red-line Torpedo

Scientific name


Puntius denisoni




Distribution   Western Ghats of India


The fish is endemic to Kerala and is the most attractive ornamental fish of India. It has got high export demand worldwide and large exploitation has reduced its population to endangered level. Grows to a length of 24 cm. The colour of the fish is silvery with a black band, above which runs a horizontal fluorescent scarlet stripe passing from snout to base of dorsal fin with oblique yellow and black bands crossing the posterior-hull of each lobe. The fish needs clear and well-aerated water having temperature of 20-25 °C and pH 6.6-7.8. A very active shoaling species which should be kept in a group. Peaceful and compatible to other fishes. Herbivore but prefers live insects, worms, mosquito larvae, etc. Readily takes pellet feed. Sexes are distinguishable only during breeding season, with females having swollen abdomen. Cultured in Singapore and Indonesia for aquarium trade. There are few reports of captive breeding.









