Common name


Buenos Aires Tetra

Scientific name


Hemigrammus caudavittatus




Distribution   South America


Buenos aires tetra are comparatively large freshwater tetras that  grows to 5.5 cm in length. Its notable feature is the blood red colouration at the tail, dorsal, anal and adipose fins. The fish is almost non aggressive and highly suitable for a community aquarium. They prefer to live amongst the vegetation and hence aquarium may be suitably provided with artificial vegetation. The fish can tolerate moderate water quality fluctuation with temperature range from 18-28 0C, pH- slightly acidic and soft water. They are plankton feeder. Regular feeding of live foods maintain the Bloodfin Tetras beautiful metallic sheen. They accept formulated food in the form of flakes  and subsists well on feeds specially prepared for tetra fishes. The sexes can be differentiated at maturity when females have gravid abdomen. Female deposits 300-500 eggs. These tetras are long-lived, and often live ten years









