This fish is native to the reefs of the Indo-Pacific region and prefers multiple hiding places and peaceful tankmates. They grow to a length of 8 cm. Moderately aggressive but aggression reduces when kept in a group. Keep them away from predatory fish like liofish, groupers, snappers, triggers and eels. The ideal water quality is temperature 24-27°C, pH 8.1-8.4 and hardness 8-12 dGH. Omnivore and may be given variety of food items both dry and live. For best care, it should be fed a variety of meaty foods, such as mysids and vitamin-enriched shrimps. Yellowtail Damsels have been bred in captivity. Though difficult to sex, males are usually larger and more slender and become aggressive towards females when ready to mate. However, the male Yellowtail Damsel is ultimately responsible for the care and guardianship of the eggs and will become very territorial while watching over his brood. |